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How to find the Denys Armory?

Denys Armurerie is based in Saint-Hilaire du Harcouët , in the heart of Normandy . At the crossroads of three regions (Normandy, Brittany and Pays-de-la-Loire), Saint-Hilaire du Harcouët is a 40-minute drive from the bay of Mont Saint-Michel, which is renowned for its waterfowl hunting and shore fishing areas.

A major fishing territory.

Normandy has a sea front of more than 600 km of coastline, bathed by the waters of the English Channel , characterized by shallow seabeds, water constantly renewed by the tides and by significant continental nutrient inputs: conditions favorable to the development of plants and plankton and the animals that feed on them: fish, shellfish, etc. It is within the commune of Saint Hilaire that the Airon flows into the Sélune, which is rich in salmon. Pike, trout, pikeperch, roach, carp and other freshwater fish.

An important hunting province.

In Normandy, hunting is a traditional activity deeply rooted in the regional culture. The diversity of the landscapes, including forests, groves, plains and wetlands, offers an ideal setting for different forms of hunting.